This is a transparent, hard-shell case for the newer [late 2008] MacBook 13" Aluminum Unibody, with black keyboard and no firewire, not the older white plastic model with removeable keyboard, and with firewire. This case is currently available in clear, pink, red, aqua, green, hazard orange, and purple; but there is also a translucent, 'satin soft-touch' version, available in black, purple, cranberry, pink and yellow. Most are hard to find.
The fit is perfect and snug, and removal is fairly simple. No overheating issues, all ports are accessible, and the MacBook opens as far as I ever opened it before.
The only complaint I've seen elsewhere is that dirt gets under the case and can scratch the MacBook. The instructions recommend removing the case and cleaning the MacBook with the included cloth at regular intervals to avoid this [as well as before installing the first time]. I've only had mine a few weeks, so haven't done that yet, but there is no dirt visible under my case.
Overall, I'm totally pleased with how well it fits and seems like part of the unit. I forget it's even there, and a few folks have commented about not knowing that Apple came out with new notebooks in colors!